Affinity Segment Marketing Campaign

This subscriber acqusition effort entailed developing a simple framework to tailor messaging to appeal to specific consumers. In working with the aquisition team, lists of potential subscribers were compiled and segmented by their affinity for specific areas from their site traffic. In this case, the messaging fell along the lines of preference for straight news coverage, entertainment, sports, business or local coverage.

Landing Pages

For each campaign affinity segment, a landing page was customized using imagery and specific talking points.

Digital Advertising

A series of digital ads were developed to run on and through third-party ad buys. Each ad pointed to the appropriate landing page for the affinity marketing segment being targeted.


E-mails were developed for each affinity segment. Rather than linking to the landing page, these emails would directly link to the MG2 page for the offer in the Chicago Tribune system.

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Chicago Blues and Rock N' Roll Experience
Encyclopædia Britannica
Silver Star Brands